
Female Model Images

Valeria Topolskova, Rostov-on-Don, 21 years old

Fulfilled my photo-dream - a photo session in roses


In the two previous articles, I have already talked about two photo shoots this summer, which I have long wanted and finally organized. In this article I will talk about the third - a photo shoot in the rose bushes.
My name is Leroy. I study at the faculty of journalism and am an SMM specialist and targetologist. I like to take creative photos, try different types of creativity and draw. Here I talk about the inner kitchen of my creativity and work. Makeup, fabulous processing, useful tips and other topics that concern me - everything is in my blog.

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Unlike the previous two photo shoots, this one was held with a professional photographer - Marina, who in 2020 photographed me with a horse, in 2021 - in flowering trees in the spring and now, in 2022 - in roses.

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In total, we took pictures in three different rose bushes - yellow, pink and white. For quite a long time we could not agree on the time at which we would both be free, and in the end we could not find a good evening time, so we took pictures from the hottest - at 14-15 in the afternoon.

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To avoid harsh shadows on me, we had to hide in the shadows. In general, we spent the photo session in the courtyard of our residential area. I didn’t even have to look for a place for a long time, to go somewhere - everything was literally two steps away.

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I also had three dresses with me! But we took pictures only in two - I changed clothes in the same rose bushes. Fortunately, these summer dresses are very easy to change, because they have no zippers or buttons.

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The photos turned out incredibly juicy, in my opinion. So rich and really summery. For a long time I wanted a photo shoot in the rose bushes, and now, finally, I was able to fulfill this desire.

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I don’t really like taking pictures in crowded places, when people are constantly walking around, but for the sake of such beautiful shots, one could endure inconvenience.

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Photoshoots are the time when I really enjoy the process. I am madly in love with such gentle feminine photo shoots, they reflect me for who I really am.

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Because I love being feminine. I love to wear beautiful dresses, I love makeup, I love jewelry. And that's great. Despite all the difficulties, being a woman is wonderful!

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